Residential Life

Whether you choose to live in college housing or commute each day, Thomas College’s residential life will feel like a welcoming family. About 85% of first-year students live on campus; and from day one, you’ll experience the amenities, support systems, and programming you need to feel right at home.

Residential Life @ Thomas College

Residential Life at Thomas College is designed to provide a healthy environment in which to live and to learn. Residential Life staff works with students to accomplish this goal, as well as aids residents to learn more about themselves through interaction with others, to develop personal connections and life goals, and to accept the responsibilities associated with group living.

The Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Student Engagement and Professional Staff members of Residential Life and Housing are responsible for all aspects of residence hall management, and for the evolution of a developmental residential program. The positions directly supervise the Community Assistant staff, provide leadership for residential programming, and promote a safe and productive academic atmosphere in the residence area. The Professional Staff, along with the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Student Engagement, oversee housing assignments and room changes, facilities management, and general responsiveness to residential student needs and issues.

Community Assistants (CAs) are student staff who live in the residence halls and act as peer advisors and resource people, as well as sponsor programs for resident students. Their primary responsibility is developing relationships with the students they live with and helping them to make the most of their Thomas College experience by fostering a sense of community. The CAs are knowledgeable about the College and campus resources, make rounds within the buildings when serving as the CA on duty for their building/area, provide programming opportunities for the residents, create a safe and welcoming experience, and assist in mediating roommate and floor issues as needed.

Phone Numbers

招生 (Undergrad): 207-859-1101
招生 (Grad): 207-859-1255
传真号码: 207-859-1114
Financial 援助: 207-859-1112
登记员: 207-859-1405
安全 & 安全 (24 Hrs): 207-859-1399

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